Management and Committees

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors’ mission is to protect and enhance the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries, ensure the execution of the business plan and the interests of shareholders, supervise, and guide the Executive Board in the search for a maximized and sustainable return on investments, in line with the applicable legislation, the Bylaws and the Shareholders’ Agreement. The members of the Board of Directors must create and preserve value for the organization as a whole, in compliance with legal and ethical principles.

BV’s current Board of Directors is composed of:

Name Occupation Mandate

João Henrique Batista de Souza Schmidt


Until 2025 General Meeting

João Henrique Batista de Souza Schmidt has been a member of our board of directors since May 2021, and holds a degree in business administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas. He is the Executive Director of Votorantim S.A., where he has worked since 2014. He has also served as Director of Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs Brazil from 2010 to 2014, Vice President of Investment Banking at Citigroup from 2006 to 2010 and Associate at Goldman Sachs from 2000 to 2006. Schmidt holds a degree in business administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas.

Tarciana Paula Gomes Medeiros

Vice Chairman

Until 2025 General Meeting

Banco do Brasil’s CEO. Tarciana Medeiros has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and post-graduate degrees in Administration, Business and Marketing and in Leadership, Innovation and Management. She has been an employee of Banco do Brasil for over 20 years. Since 2021, she has held the position of Executive Manager in the Retail Business Office (SME and Individuals), responsible for customer relationship cycles. In 2019, she became an executive in the Loans Solutions for Individuals Office. In 2018, she assumed the Commercial Executive Superintendence of BB Seguros. In 2017, she was qualified by BB’s Professional Ascension Program for Executives and between 2015 and 2017, she led the Commercial Superintendence of BB Seguros, where she developed strategic business models.

Odilon Pinheiro de Almeida Junior

Independent Member

Until 2025 General Meeting

Odilon Almeida Jr has been an independent member of our board of directors since August 2023. He obtained his MBA and bachelor’s degree in engineering in SP, Brazil. He also studied at Harvard Business School, Wharton School and the International Institute of Management (IMD). He is currently Managing Principal at AJ. Holdings Co, where he partners with enterprises for value creation through board participation, private equity advisory, or direct investment. He is also Operating Partner at Advent International and a board member of NCR Atleos, Vanto Group and Viscaya Museum and Gardens. For the past 8 years, he has been a board member of Millicom International and chairman of its Compliance and Risk Committee. From 2020 to 2022, he was CEO and board member of ACI Worldwide. From 2002 to 2019, he worked at Western Union, a global leader in cross-border money movement, rising to the position of President Global Money Transfer

Jairo Sampaio Saddi


Until 2025 General Meeting

Jairo Sampaio Saddi is an associate professor (banking law and regulation) at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School, Rio de Janeiro, a member of the board of directors of Fundação Padre Anchieta and financial director of the Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo – IASP. He is the former chairman of the board of directors of the FGC. Dr. Saddi holds a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo – USP and a degree in business administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas. Dr. Saddi holds a PhD in economic law from the University of São Paulo – USP and a postdoctoral degree from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Felipe Guimarães Geissler Prince


Until 2025 General Meeting

CRO – Chief Risk Officer, responsible for Credit, Risks, Compliance, Institutional and Cyber Security, Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/C⁠FT). Felipe Prince has joined Banco do Brasil in 2000, starting his career at Varginha branch. He served at the retail office in Minas Gerais state, Agribusiness General Office and the International Division. Has been working since 2008 at Credit Department, previously as Credit Analyst, afterwards Credit Manager, General Credit Manager of Corporate and Large Corporate loan portfolio and most recently as Head of Credit. He was also a member of Banco Votorantim’s Consultant Committee (2017-2019) and board member of Banco Digio (2020-2022). Performing nowadays as Head of Board Members at BB Consorcios, Board Member at BBAG (Austria) and Fiscal Board Member at Cielo, Mr. Prince is Majored in Law by Fadiva, holds a Specialization in Finance from UNB (Brasilia University) and a Credit Risk Management MBA by FGV.

Mauro Ribeiro Neto


Until 2025 General Meeting

Mauro Ribeiro Melo is currently executive director of Votorantim S.A. and Votorantim Finanças. Mr. Neto worked from 2019 to 2021 as vice president of Banco do Brasil, responsible for infrastructure and supplies, strategy, people and culture, operations and communication and marketing. From 2016 to 2019, Mr. Neto acted as director of governance of state-owned companies at the Ministry of Economy. He also worked as National Treasury Attorney from 2013 to 2016. In addition, he occupied positions as member of the board of directors of Neoenergia, BB Seguridade and Cielo. He holds a degree in law from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, an LLM in corporate law from IBMEC, a Masters in constitutional law from Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa – IDP and postgraduate studies in corporate governance from Fundação Dom Cabral.

Francisco Augusto Lassalvia


Until 2025 General Meeting

Chief Wholesale Officer. Francisco Augusto Lassalvia is a career employee of Banco do Brasil for 24 years. He holds a degree in Economics and an MBA in Finance from Ibmec and has post-graduate education from the BB Executive Development Program. Since 2020, he serves as Director of Corporate & Investment Bank and CEO of BB-Banco de Investimento S.A. He has also held positions as Director of Financial Market and Capital, General Manager of the Private Bank Unit, Executive Manager in the Southeast Distribution Division, and Retail Superintendent in São Paulo. He is a member of the Board of Directors of UBS BB and Banco Patagonia, a member of the Brasilprev Administration Council, and a member of the Advisory Councils of Previ and BB Securities LLC.

Board of Executive Officers

The Executive Board is responsible, together with the Board of Directors, for the management of the Conglomerate, in accordance with the attributions and powers conferred by the applicable legislation, the Shareholders’ Agreement and the Bylaws of the companies of the Conglomerate.

BV’s current Executive Board is composed of:

Name Occupation Mandate

Gabriel José Gama Ferreira

Chief Executive Officer


Gabriel José Gama Ferreira has been CEO of banco BV since 2019 and one of those responsible for the institution’s strategic repositioning and digital transformation. Gabriel has been with us since 2012 and served as Executive Director in charge of the areas of innovation, marketing and retail. In the financial system, he has worked at HSBC, Losango and Santander, in addition to other large companies, such as the communication services Oi. Gabriel is an economist with an Executive MBA from Stanford University, in California, US.

Alberto Wagner Teixeira Campos

Executive Officer


Alberto Wagner Teixeira Campos has been responsible for Technology at banco BV since 2021. Previously, he was Information Technology Executive at Serasa Experian, Director of Information Technology at Localiza and member of the advisory board of AC & Associados and CIO of Magnesita for 18 years. Alberto holds an MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral and a Masters from Northwestern University, US.

Ana Paula Antunes Tarcia

Executive Officer


Ana Paula Antunes Tarcia was elected as our executive officer in 2019, responsible for human resources. Previously joining us, Mrs. Tarcia was our superintendent of human resources between 2015 and 2019 and executive manager between 2007 and 2015. Before BV, she worked as human resources manager at GE Capital in 2005 and ABN Amro Bank between 2000 and 2005. Mrs. Tarcia holds a degree in business from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, a postgraduate degree from Fundação Getulio Vargas and a certificate of executive education from Wharton University.

Carlos Renato Bonetti

Executive Officer


Carlos Renato Bonetti, responsible for Risks and Operations at Banco BV since 2022. The executive has more than 35 years of experience in the financial market, working on integrated risk management, operational and credit risk. Bonetti has worked for companies such as Banco do Brasil, Dotz Inc, Alelo, Quod, Digio and BV itself, where he served as a member of the Board of Directors and Risk and Capital Committee. He has a degree in Technology and Data Processing from the University of Taubaté, an MBA in Advanced Business Management from the Federal University of Brasília, an Executive MBA in Risk Management from USP, an MBA in Business Administration from FGV and a certificate in executive program from ( MIT) in Digital Business Transformation

Flávio Suchek

Executive Officer


Flávio Suchek is responsible for our new business and corporate projects area of BV. Mr. Suchek was chief executive officer and chief financial officer at Grupo Recovery from December 2013 to April 2019 and August 2011 to November 2013, respectively. In addition, Mr. Suchek was a board member at Grupo Recovery from 2011 to 2019. Mr. Suchek also held office as managing director of Grupo Recovery at Banco Itaú Unibanco from 2016 to 2019 and as vice president and associate partner at Banco BTG Pactual. Mr. Suchek has also worked at other organizations, such as Lehman Brothers, Value Partners and Banco Itaú. Mr. Suchek holds a degree in civil engineering from Universidade de Sao Paulo and attended executive programs at Harvard Business School.

Marcella Rigamonti Urada Coimbra

Executive Officer


Marcella Rigamonti Urada Coimbra was elected the officer responsible for corporate governance and legal in 2022. Marcella has been with us for the last fourteen years acting in corporate governance, corporate law, compliance, new businesses and institutional legal department, and she has been the governance officer of our board of directors for the last five years. Before working with us, Marcella worked as tax and capital markets lawyer at Unibanco from 2005 to 2008. Marcella holds a degree in law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, certification in tax law from Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários, studies in corporate governance office and governance development from Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa.

Roberto Gonçalves Jábali

Executive Officer


Roberto Gonçalves Jabali has been Risk Executive Director at Banco BV since 2020. Prior to that, he was responsible for South America risks at Santander, director of card and risk analysis, consumer risk manager and risk manager at Citi, and manager of risk at BMG. Roberto has a degree in industrial engineering from Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo – USP, Brazil.

Rogério Monori

Executive Officer


Rogério Monori was elected as our executive officer in 2019, responsible for our corporate and investment banking, treasury and private areas since 2020. Mr. Monori has over twenty-five years of experience working in the financial industry. Before joining us he was vice president of ING Barings of New York – Investment Banking Latin America, officer at Banco ING and vice president of Banco Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Mr. Monori holds a degree in civil engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and an MBA in finance from COPPEAD-UFRJ. He also holds a certification CFA, levels I and II.

Ronaldo Medrado Helpe

Executive Officer


Ronaldo Helpe is our chief financial officer and investor relations. The executive has been at the organization for fifteen years and has previously worked in the strategic planning, financial planning and analysis, asset and liability management and investor relations. Ronaldo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil. He holds an international executive MBA from the consortium of five universities, including the University of North Carolina, U.S., and a Masters degree from FGV, Brazil.

Ricardo Sanfelice de Souza

Executive Officer


Ricardo Sanfelice de Souza was recently elected as our executive officer responsible for innovation and data. Prior to that, he worked as chief marketing and digital officer at Banco Bari from 2020 to 2022, at Telefonica from 2015 to 2019 as marketing vice president and as digital and innovation vice president, at GVT in the positions of marketing and of quality vice president and strategy and marketing executive officer, marketing manager, product manager and marketing analyst during the years of 2001 to 2015. He holds a degree in electric engineering from Universidade Federal do Paraná, an MBA in marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, an MBA in strategic marketing management from University of Chicago and an executive program in strategy and innovation from Stanford University.

Alexandre Luiz Zimath



Alexandre Luiz Zimath has been responsible for our operations. He was previously responsible for our operations, finance and investor relations superintendent, executive manager of finance and investor relations. He also served as a project leader at Boston Consulting Group and a planning manager at Citi. He graduated in industrial engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil and holds an MBA from the University of Virginia, US.

Claudia Furini Pantiga Teramoto



Claudia Furini has been Director of Marketing, Sustainability, CX and UX at Banco BV since 2019. Before, the executive worked as a marketing professional at Editora Abril, Gafisa, ROIx and JBS group. Claudia is graduated in Marketing from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and has an MBA in Finance from FIA.

Marcelo Kenji Kuniy



Marcelo Kenji Kuniy has been responsible for Treasury since November 2014. Mr. Kenji joined us as a trainee in 1994, joining the Treasury in the same year. Mr. Kenji worked as trader in the Exchange and International areas, in the last one operating external Brazilian debt securities and managing the assets and liabilities of our subsidiary in Nassau. In 2008, as Superintendent, he took over the Corporate Treasury, being responsible for managing our local and external liquidity, the Treasury accrual books and all quotations of CIB clients, Treasury products (Foreign exchange, Derivatives, assets and capture). He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial market. He holds a degree in Naval Engineering from University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil and an MBA from Insper.

Walter Batlouni Júnior



Walter Batlouni Jr 32 years of experience in auditing. Currently Chief Auditor at Banco BV. Previously, he was Managing Director of Internal Audit for Latin America, Canada, Japan and Global Corporate and Investment Bkg and US branches at MUFG Bank, reporting to the CAE for the Americas. He served as CEO of Redecard. He developed a 20-year career at ABN AMRO carrying out audits in different areas and countries. He worked for 2 years at the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (audited 13 countries). It also carried out reviews in the USA and the Netherlands. Participated in Due Diligence and integration of Banco Real, Bandepe, Sudameris and others. Great expertise in managing audit and consultancy projects.

Fiscal Council

The responsibilities and duties of the Bank’s Fiscal Council are in accordance with Brazilian Corporate Law, as well as the regulations issued by the National Monetary Council (CMN), by the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) and by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazilian (CVM), which are applicable to the Bank.

The Fiscal Council of banco BV will have a Chairman, elected by the General Meeting that elects the members of the Fiscal Council.

BV’s current Fiscal Council is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Valter Correia da Silva


Until 2025 General Meeting

Adjarbas Guerra Neto


Until 2025 General Meeting

Sérgio Augusto Malacrida Júnior


Until 2025 General Meeting

Graduated in Economics from FEA/USP and in Literature from FFLCH/USP and Master in Pure Mathematics from IME/USP. He was Treasury Director of Votorantim S.A., CFO of Votorantim Energia and Treasurer of Fibria. In 2015, he became CFO of Votorantim S.A. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Votorantim Cimentos, Citrosuco and Negócio de Aços Longos. In 2021, he was appointed CEO of Altre, the real estate arm of Votorantim S.A. He was a partner at PR & A Financial Products and a partner at Vinci Partners.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s purpose is to advise the Board of Directors with regard to the exercise of its audit and supervisory functions. At least one of the members of the Audit Committee must have proven accounting and auditing knowledge that qualifies him/her for the role.

BV’s current Audit Committee is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Patrícia Siqueira Varela


Until 2025 General Meeting

Rudinei dos Santos


Until 2025 General Meeting

Rudinei dos Santos is a member of our audit committee. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense. He has an MBA in Auditing from Fipecafi/USP, University of São Paulo, and extension courses in advanced training for business managers from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, and in corporate governance from Fipecafi/USP, University of São Paulo. He worked for 22 years in the internal audit of Banco do Brasil, where he held managerial roles such as division manager, audit manager, deputy foreign audit manager (Europe and Asia), executive manager and, finally, auditor general, senior manager internal audit for six years. He was also a member of the fiscal council of Previ – Caixa de Previdência dos Empregos do Banco do Brasil for six years, and for six years he was also a member of the fiscal council of Banco Votorantim S.A. He was a member of the fiscal council of BV Participações for one year and an alternate member of the fiscal council of Fibria Celulose S.A. for a year. Since October 2018, he has been a member of the Audit Committee and the Personnel, Eligibility, Compensation and Succession Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. He is a member of the audit committee of Banco Votorantim S.A. since may 2021

Rodrigo Santos Nogueira


Until 2025 General Meeting

Compensation and HR Committee

The Compensation and Human Resources Committee was created by resolution of the General Meeting of Banco Votorantim S.A., and will be unique to banco BV and its subsidiaries, in accordance with the current legislation.

BV’s current Compensation and Human Resources Committee is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Neudson Peres de Freitas


Until 2025 General Meeting

Odilon Pinheiro de Almeida Junior


Until 2025 General Meeting

Odilon Almeida Jr has been an independent member of our board of directors since August 2023. He obtained his MBA and bachelor’s degree in engineering in SP, Brazil. He also studied at Harvard Business School, Wharton School and the International Institute of Management (IMD). He is currently Managing Principal at AJ. Holdings Co, where he partners with enterprises for value creation through board participation, private equity advisory, or direct investment. He is also Operating Partner at Advent International and a board member of NCR Atleos, Vanto Group and Viscaya Museum and Gardens. For the past 8 years, he has been a board member of Millicom International and chairman of its Compliance and Risk Committee. From 2020 to 2022, he was CEO and board member of ACI Worldwide. From 2002 to 2019, he worked at Western Union, a global leader in cross-border money movement, rising to the position of President Global Money Transfer

Mauro Ribeiro Neto


Until 2025 General Meeting

Mauro Ribeiro Neto was recently elected as a member of our board of directors. He is currently an executive officer at Votorantim S.A. and Votorantim Finanças. Mr. Neto worked from 2019 to 2021 as vice president of Banco do Brasil, responsible for infrastructure and supplies, strategy, people and culture, operations and communication and marketing. From 2016 to 2019, Mr. Neto acted as director of governance of state-owned companies at the Ministry of Economy. He also worked as National Treasury Attorney from 2013 to 2016. In addition, he occupied positions as member of the board of directors of Neoenergia, BB Seguridade and Cielo. He holds a degree in law from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, an LLM in corporate law from IBMEC, a Masters in constitutional law from Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa – IDP and postgraduate studies in corporate governance from Fundação Dom Cabral.

Related Parties Transactions Committee (non-statutory)


The Related Party Transactions Committee is unique to the Bank and its subsidiaries. Its objective is to examine compliance with applicable guidelines and standards in the celebration and disclosure of transactions with related parties.

BV’s current Related Parties Transactions Committee is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Jairo Sampaio Saddi


Until 2025 General Meeting

Jairo Sampaio Saddi is an associate professor (banking law and regulation) at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School, Rio de Janeiro, a member of the board of directors of Fundação Padre Anchieta and financial director of the Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo – IASP. He is the former chairman of the board of directors of the FGC. Dr. Saddi holds a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo – USP and a degree in business administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas. Dr. Saddi holds a PhD in economic law from the University of São Paulo – USP and a postdoctoral degree from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Lucineia Possar


Until 2025 General Meeting

Risk and Capital Committee (non-statutory)

The Risk and Capital Committee is a collegiate and permanent body reporting directly to the Board of Directors and aimed at advising it in the performance of activities related to risk and capital management.

The Risk Committee will be a single committee and will also exercise its duties and responsibilities for companies controlled by Banco BV which, according to CMN Resolution 4,557/2017 and other applicable legislation, are required to constitute a risk and capital committee.

BV’s current Risk and Capital Committee is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Rêne Sanda


Until 2025 General Meeting

Aldo Luiz Mendes


Until 2025 General Meeting

Luiz Felipe Taunay Ferreira


Until 2025 General Meeting

ESG Committee

The ESG Committee is a collegiate and permanent body reporting directly to the Board of Directors and aimed at advising it in the performance of activities related to the sustainability of the business and the Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy (PRSAC).

The Committee will be unique, and will exercise its duties and responsibilities also with the companies controlled by BV, pursuant to CMN Resolution No. 4,945/2021 and other applicable legislation.

Currently, the ESG Committee is composed of:


Name Occupation Mandate

Claudia Furini Pantiga Teramoto


Until 2025 General Meeting

Claudia Furini has been Director of Marketing, Sustainability, CX and UX at Banco BV since 2019. Before, the executive worked as a marketing professional at Editora Abril, Gafisa, ROIx and JBS group. Claudia is graduated in Marketing from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and has an MBA in Finance from FIA.

Gabriel Maceron Santamaria


Until 2025 General Meeting

Mauro Ribeiro Neto


Until 2025 General Meeting

Mauro Ribeiro Neto was recently elected as a member of our board of directors. He is currently an executive officer at Votorantim S.A. and Votorantim Finanças. Mr. Neto worked from 2019 to 2021 as vice president of Banco do Brasil, responsible for infrastructure and supplies, strategy, people and culture, operations and communication and marketing. From 2016 to 2019, Mr. Neto acted as director of governance of state-owned companies at the Ministry of Economy. He also worked as National Treasury Attorney from 2013 to 2016. In addition, he occupied positions as member of the board of directors of Neoenergia, BB Seguridade and Cielo. He holds a degree in law from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, an LLM in corporate law from IBMEC, a Masters in constitutional law from Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa – IDP and postgraduate studies in corporate governance from Fundação Dom Cabral.